Despite a weather warning form the Met Office Barry and I made the journey to Rossett and we rewarded with a pretty good day really. We had one or two willing helpers, who laid quite a few stones on the wall as well as using a hammer to shape those that we too big. The second part of the seat went on the wall and part of the wall is up to hight as evinced by the single lonely topper.
Here are student-less photos (we're not allowed to include them)
Rod's mention of the derivation of Ivin Waite last week peaked my
interest and I had a look at the Place names of the West Riding, but it
had little further information. The earliest record of the name is the 1858
O.S. map. The only other Waite in the record is Waite House and as Rod
suggested this is linked back to Thwaite - Old Norse for clearing or
meadow - so Waite House is House in the clearing.
So Ivin's Clearing? Perhaps Ivin is the fella that cleared all the stone and made walls out of it.
Richard H.
No. wallers: 2
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