Catriona, Graham, Barry, Matthew and I were joined by Matthews neighbour Richard (no sooner does one departs than another one turns up!) for a sunny and hot days walling at Spring Wood Top. Matthew (again) kindly ferried everyones kit to the top and we split into two groups, Catriona and Graham working on the lower section, the rest of us had a go at finishing the wall with the gate at the end. Richard and I were helped no end in our endeavours by the more than sufficient amount of very soggy mud underfoot. Matthew and Barry worked on the dry side.
Neither group succeeded in their aim to finish but Graham and Catriona were all but an unhelping hand from completion, with Barry and I doing a great job of dismantling parts they had already finished. Sorry.
It must be noted that my call to arms prediction that we might finish this week was wildly optimistic, and we may indeed need another couple of weeks to finish off all the small gaps and falls that require attention.

Lunch time up near the house
Mid afternoon at the gate section
The end of the day at the Gate end wall
The end of the day at the lower wall
No. Waller: 6
Grid Ref: SE 14735 68149
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