The promised day long thunderstorms materialised in the afternoon for a 2 minute downpour and swiftly left again, not tarrying long enough to ease my parched throat, thankfully Barry let me have a swig from his water bottle so long as I swore I didn't have any infectious diseases.
Unperturbed by our admonishments Beauty the 'orse managed to pull our temporary fence barricade to pieces as we lunched. She could be seen later at the far corner of the field, wracked with guilt no doubt.
We were later informed, by the landlady of the Sportsman's Arms who was out walking her dogs, that Beauty was in the habit of, suddenly and without warning, biting the hands of those that stroke her. Valuable information for the weeks to come
We departed at 3.30 the other two in fine spirits, myself a dried up husk in need of gallons of water.

The situation just before lunch
The back of the wall by mid-afternoon
The front of the wall at the close of play

The back of the wall at the close of play.
Richard H.
Grid Ref: SE 14735 68149
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