Saturday, 19 December 2015

Markenfield Hall Park Pale - Wednesday 16th December 2015

The advance party of four arrived at 9.00am and questioned why we had turned up in the pouring rain. However, our spirits were quickly raised by the arrival of Ian Curteis (owner of Markenfield Hall) who expressed his thanks to the Walling Group for the work we were doing on the Park Pale.

We also learnt from Ian that the “Rogue waller” is fact a local man from Ripley called David Cobble, who for the past six years has been working on the perimeter wall around the hall. 

On arriving at the work site we were joined by two late comers (who unfortunately missed out on Ian Curteis’s  greeting).  The full team today was now Graham, Paul, Richard H, Richard P, Roderick  and Tony

Mid morning break time just as the rain stops

Graham & Richard H complete topping out the unfinished section from last week

and all resources now devoted to the next section

The team view the next part of the wall to be tackled in the New Year

The team return to the car park at the Hall

Wishing all our NAWG team members and followers a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Our next walling date will be Wednesday 6th January 2016
