Not put off by Genghis Khan and his Mongol hoards setting up camp in fetching green yurts in the adjacent field, the wallers attempted a spot of dis-assembly followed closely by a spot of re-assembly. Not even the threat of a good soaking put dent in their purpose.
The promised deluge did not materialise, (though there was a snow flake or two) and it was with stout heart and weary arms that a whole halfdays walling was completed by at least six sevenths of the work force; Barry having to retire shortly after eating his lunch.
Progress was rapid and two breaches in the wall leading to the Mongol encampment were repaired by the end of play.
The smaller of the two breaches was assigned to the B-team; Graham the only, Richard the Elder, and Richard the Younger.
Richard the Elder wishes it to be noted that Richard the Younger was heard to show admiration for one particular stone that R.T.E (No not the Irish television station) selected and placed on the wall.
Richard the Younger wishes it to be noted that he would like to apologise for this and promises that it will never happen again.
Graham and the two Dicks finished their smaller section of wall in time to help the A-team finish of their stint.
The second section was tackled by Catroina, Roger, Roderick, and Barry
who breezed through the work and only had to repeat their calls for break and lunch twice.
All the photo's of the days activity can be seen here :- Link
Thanks all you wallers for all your walling
Richard The Younger
Location:-Bivouac at Druid’s Temple, Masham, Ripon, North Yorkshire HG4 4JZ
Grid Ref- (SE 18036 78701)
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