Thursday, 21 June 2012

Two for the price of one (weeks, that is)

Sorry I forgot to blog last week and apologies to those who showed up on 13th June because I've forgotten who did and who didn't ... apart from Robert, that is, who joined us for the first time in many a long month.  Welcome back and I hope you're able to get more time off before we run out of walls.

The bees, although only recently decanted into their new homes, were very well behaved and only mildly curious about our comings and goings.  Not so the midges which were a complete pain in the butt and anything else they could get their itchy little feet/teeth/fangs into.  Aaarggh!

Good progress on the wall though, as evidenced by Tony's separately loaded photos.

Yesterday (20th June) is clearer to my fading grey matter.  A beautiful, warm, sunny day (yes, we did have a summer one day this year!) and Tony, Emma, Roger, Phillip, Paul, and the Richards for company.  Only one hive still occupied (altho' Kit whizzed off to collect a new swarm in the afternoon) and the bees plagued Richard the Y but left the rest of us alone.

The lower end of the wall is now up to full height and the remainder is coming on well altho' the uphill middle section is still presenting challenges.

Photos below courtesy of Richard the E.

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