Well, it's unsurprising that we had a low turnout this week, what with the mercury dropping to a teeth chattering -1 degrees c this morning.
Three intrepid (there is another word for us but this isn't the place) wallers headed out into the hostile elements. They stepped out, they may be some time...
Thank you, thank you, Roger and Catriona for flying the flag, it was freezing and miserable with no sunshine to warm us!
Undeterred by the inhospitable weather and the fact that a lot of the stones were frozen to the ground we pushed on and managed to throw up a couple of courses. We stuck it out until lunch when the cold finally overcame the weakest member of the team (ie me!) and we called it a day or morning to be more accurate!
We were visited by an old friend who hasn't been seen in a while, he came for coffee and didn't wall, we'll let him off this time!
I see from the forecast that we are in for more fun weather tomorrow, but it's not a walling day so I'll watch it from the window and enjoy.
See you in a couple of weeks, Em
The evidence that we did actually turn up is below!
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