Thursday, 8 September 2011

The smile says it all!

'Tis done!  And as if you haven't all suffered enough, here's a shot of your steamed chairman looking more than a little relieved.  Please note all PPE in place!

Thanks to the Richards (who have become worryingly inseparable), Phillip, Graham, Paul and Roger for another (and final) grand day's work.

We resisted the temptation to start throwing copes on straight away and instead warmed up by clearing the odd tonne or two of spare stone from the site.  I've since photographed what I'll misleadingly call our 'residue' and sent it off to a local stone merchant in the hope that he might come and take it away.  Holding my breath?  I don't think so.

I have to compliment the Richards on their quantity surveying because, in the end, we were only a few copes short of the  length we needed.  They, of course, set to with muscular fervour and knocked up the required number in no time.

And then suddenly we could step back from the wall and ... it was finished!  Quite emotional really just to stand back and see what we've achieved (and on time!).

I'd just like to say a huge thank you to everybody who has contributed to the North Stainley project.  It's been challenging new territory for most of us but we've worked our way through the 'opportunities', learned from our experiences, and arrived at an end product that we can all be more than a bit proud of.  Thanks and well done everybody.

Oh ... I nearly forgot ... here are some snaps.

Looks great, dunnit?  So, what next?  The Great Wall of China has some embarrassing gaps; Hadrian could do with a hand in repelling the Scots, or we could .. just go back to gapping.  Watch out on Wally Nidderdale for next week's venue.


  1. It looks amazing in the photos, can't wait to see the garden, and the wall, in all its glory next time I'm in North Stainley.

    Fantastic work ladies and gents!!

  2. Thanks plumski, we are racking our brains and cannot identify you? Emx
