Thursday, 22 September 2011

Walling 21st September - West End

We were welcomed at West End by a beautiful clear day and a bracing breeze to compliment!  We had a quiet week this week with just four of us able to make it and two of us only able to manage half a day (lightweights!).  That make Em, Em, Phillip and Graham the tally of mu... volunteers this week.

With so few of us we decided to press on with the section we started last week, by lunch time we had dismantled another stint of the wall and got up to the first level throughs.

By lunch time we had dwindled down to two, leaving only the brave to battle on.  I'm afraid I was one of the part timers today so cannot fill in the blanks about what happened after I left, perhaps Phillip or Graham will be able to leave some comments for us and let us know!

See you next week, Em

Tuesday, 20 September 2011

The finished wall at the show

Each competitor had to take down and rebuild a 2 ½ yard stretch of wall. The base course was 2 ft 9 ins and the height 5 ft. It also had to tie up with neighbours wall on both sides.

The final courses

 The copes go on at 4.45 pm

Any volunteers for entering next years competition ?

Updated by Tony

Monday, 19 September 2011

4th time's a charm!

It's show time in Pateley Bridge again!

And... for the first time in 4 years I didn't need to cower from the elements with two children nagging to get ice creams and I finally managed to check out the dry stone walling competition. I have tried in vain to get round to it each year and every time something has come up and I've missed it.

The weather was lovely this year (I even managed to unzip my jumper in the heat!) and whilst the clouds threatened the rain held off until the end of the day.

Seven people entered the competition this year and you can see their progress in the pictures below. Naturally many members of the group stopped by to cast a critical eye over the proceedings and chat.  The quality of the work was very (very) good, I arrived in time to see the first throughs going in and called back a couple of times to check on the progress.  Unfortunately the day had worn on too long for my family and as the rain set in I checked in one last time to see if the wall was completed but it was just a little soon to see the copes going on.  Oh well, maybe next year!

It was a good day for celebrity spotting (I saw Kirsty Allsop twice - wayhey!) and if you have a magnifying glass you might spot Philip Dolphin at the walling judges tent watching proceedings (Philip ran the course at Craven College that Chris and I took last year).

See you on Wednesday


ps. the St Cuthberts School Band were awesome as always - well done son!

Paul taking time out to check out the standard!

Blink and you'll miss him (spot the celebrity)

Little Jack - budding waller in the making
Two Jacks!  Is it going up though or coming down...

Wednesday, 14 September 2011

More Walling 14 Sept

The two Emma's at work today

Walling 14th September - West End

Our fourth visit to West End confirmed that it is a breezy site, fortunately the rain held off today and we were able to crack on and complete the wall sections that we started last week.

Progress was quick and the section from the taster day was completed by lunch time.

We also tackled a few of the small gaps along the wall and made a start on a new section of wall at the bottom of the field.

All in all a good days walling and a good turnout. Back to West End next week (we are walling there until further notice) for more gaps.

This blog came via my iPhone (ooer technology eh whatever will they think of next), it will be interesting to see how it works!

Thanks to David, Chris, Em, Roger, Graham and Tony.

See you next week, Em

P.S. Just to remind everyone that the Nidderdale Show is on Monday, check out the dry stone walling competition, apparently they kick off at 8.30am!! Rather them than me!

Also (shameless plug) check out the bandstand at 12.00pm to see the St Cuthberts School Band, Jack will be playing his clarinet. ;-)

Tuesday, 13 September 2011

A long time ago in a galaxy far, far, away ........

During my rummage through our digital stash I found these little gems, sit back and enjoy...

Bryan's Wood


Craven College