Wednesday, 28 June 2023

Flag flying

 Andy & Barry kept the Walling Group flag flying again this week as other group members continued their various holidays. Andy’s productive dismantling and rebuilding of the next stint contrasted with Barry’s slow raising of last week’s section to topper height, but the discovery of a buried ‘cache’ of stone further along the wall took time to dig out and carry to the workplace to supplement the meagre supply.
With still more to do at 3pm we plonked some large stones along the top of the wall and placed the pallet to deter the
horses & ponies which thankfully kept their distance this week.



Barry S.

No. Wallers: 2

Wednesday, 21 June 2023

Palovian psychology

Holiday season for team members so just Andy & Barry resuming the restoration of the Picking Gill perimeter wall. A two-week absence at Menwith plus recent rain had transformed the site to a forest of bracken with occasional foxgloves in full flower. Evidence that horses in the adjoining field had found their way past the flimsy rope ‘fence’ suggested that we should dismantle just a limited section of wall in order to maintain a stock-proof boundary by the end of the day: the point was reinforced by the close attention of inquisitive ponies in the afternoon, obstructing Andy’s efforts and necessitating a realignment of the rope fencing to try to keep them out. Oblivious to our coaxing and gentle prodding, their persistence was eventually diverted by Palovian psychology in the form of a shaking bucket that they followed away from the work area, anticipating some food: their disappointment at the mean hoax was stoically borne. A short section was topped off at lunchtime and sufficient height gained in the next stint to have some confidence that the beasts would not invade the reserve.


Barry S.

No. Wallers: 2