Wednesday, 31 May 2023

Donkey proof

 Rod, Duncan, Andy, Barry and Graham this week.  A very pleasant day, cool to start off with but a good day for walling.  New foundations were not required and although most of the wall needed rebuilding, excellent progress was made.  We needed to make the wall horse and donkey proof  before we left so there are some interim toppers which will be replaced.  Its Menwith Hill for two weeks so back in three weeks.



Graham D.

No. Wallers: 5

Wednesday, 24 May 2023

The main challenge!

 Summer has arrived and the site is a lovely setting when the weather is pleasant.

Five this week Barry, Andy, Rob, Rod and Graham with Rob and Rod doing their bit for the planet by cycling to "work". Two hours each way for Rob!

The main  challenge this week was the corner which was completed. The corner topper was one of many which Barry had spent the morning digging out.  His efforts provided a lot of useful large stones to add to the dwindling supplies and it now looks as if we should have sufficient for the next section or two .  Barry's other important contribution was untangling the non-live electric fence to keep horses at bay, although this week the horses were somewhere else.

Graham D.
No. Wallers: 5

Wednesday, 17 May 2023

Hefty copes

 A warmer walling day at Picking Gill with a sunny start. Andy, Barry, Rob & Rod made the best of the available stone to bring the next stint up to level and topped it with some hefty copes. The fragility of the wall in the next section through the corner will probably mean a full dismantling as we move from the incline into more even ground.
Rain showers coincided with a convenient time to stop at 2pm, Rob needing to pedal back to Leeds for a celebration and the rest of us preferring to stay dry.


Barry S.

No. Wallers: 4

Wednesday, 10 May 2023


 Four wallers this week , Barry,  Rob, Duncan and Graham.  Once again the weather was better than forecast and good progress made. We had the added attraction of horses in the field, a couple of which watched from a distance but soon lost interest!



Graham D.

No. wallers: 4

Wednesday, 3 May 2023

Curlew and buzzard

 Four of us for our third week at Picking Gill, Barry, Andy, Duncan and Graham.  A pleasant day punctuated by a cool breeze every now and then.  The patching job is ending up as a rebuild and although there is a limited amount of stone it is proving to be a reasonable wall to work on. Visiting wildlife was limited to one toad and the normal ducks and geese plus curlew and buzzard.


Graham D.

No. Wallers: 4