Wednesday, 25 January 2023

Cockerels crowing

 Steady progress on the mildest day that we have had for some weeks, and dry too apart from a few spots of rain at lunchtime.
The better weather attracted some ramblers, three pairs and a party of six + dogs came past, those on the adjacent path making some encouraging noises. A cockerel down the valley was also in good voice.
Andy, Chris & Val, Duncan & Barry added three chunky courses to the nine yard stint.
Fatigued by the lifting of heavy stones and much hammer work we finished the day at 2:30 with a satisfying conclusion.



Barry S.

No. Wallers: 5

Wednesday, 18 January 2023

Freezing Eases muddy kneeses

 A lovely sunny day with the temperature around freezing, but what a contrast with the wet and mud of the past two weeks. No mud because the ground was rock hard! 

Six of us Chris, Val, Andy, Rob, Duncan and Graham.  Chris and Graham started the final course on the existing section and were joined by Val and Rob , who had started with Andy and Duncan on the demolition of the next section ; another seven metres of challenge and more very large stones.
 After lunch Andy and Chris topped out the existing ten metre section and the rest of us continued with the rebuild and a bit more taking down.  Some very good progress and some encouraging weather.

Graham D.
No. Wallers: 6

Wednesday, 11 January 2023

A Packet of Biscuits

11th January and the  second week of the year at Low Wood Farm. Whilst very damp underfoot, it stayed dry until lunchtime and then the rain came. All six of us Val, Chris, Rob, Duncan, Barry and Graham worked on the 10 yard stretch of wall opened up in December and three to four courses were added by the time we decided we were fed up with the persistent wetness!.  Liz paid us a visit, so we now have an up to date first kit and a packet of biscuits.


Graham D.

No. Wallers: 6

Wednesday, 4 January 2023

Rather too wet

 A wet and soggy start for 2023 at Low Wood Farm with Barry, Rob, Duncan, Val and Graham braving the elements. Despite a  mild forecast with very little rain but strong winds, the wind was not too bad but rain took its place. Apart from a brief spell of sunshine at  lunchtime it drizzled or rained all the time. Barry continued with an extensive patching while the rest tackled the large gap , now 3 metres wider, but now completed to half height.  With persistent rain returning and grey skies all round, we took an early 2pm finish. Too wet to take photos so see next week's blog

Graham D.
No Waller:5