A fine pleasant breezy day, but cooler than previous weeks - winter is on its way. Just Barry and Graham and nearly another two courses completed.
Graham D.
No. Wallers: 2
A fine pleasant breezy day, but cooler than previous weeks - winter is on its way. Just Barry and Graham and nearly another two courses completed.
Graham D.
No. Wallers: 2
Some pictures of walling activities on 15th provided by Tony. Walling were Rich (morning only), Tony, Barry, Graham and Rod
No. Wallers: 5
Barry, Catriona, Roderick, Tony, Duncan, Chris, Val and Graham , eight wallers, in all, spent a very warm day at Fellbeck making good progress.Given the numbers, Tony and Graham took down another section and started the foundations, including the placing of some very large stones. One in particular, required Barry, Roderick and Graham to successfully realign it although the mattock came to a sticky end in the process. The rest of the group tackled the existing section and added another three courses. Andrew came to visit and see how the stone situation was progressing.
Graham D.
Photos by Graham And Tony
No. Wallers: 8
A reunited group tried a stint at Fellbeck this week. Andrew, the farmer, brought us a trailer load of stone to play with, and the sky's above were blue. A much better state of affairs than we have been used to of late.
Barry, Roderick, Val, Catriona, Duncan, and Chris spent the afternoon laying two courses of a new section, after I'd helped to take down the old wall that morning, and retired before lunch; slacker.
I'm not sure of the verdict on the new stone yet. We'll have to wait and see.
Photos by Roderick
Richard H.
No. wallers: 7