Wednesday, 26 May 2021

Pride in your work

 Just Graham and Duncan

The weather surprised us and by the afternoon we were in  shirt sleeves; the forecast had it showers all day. Even though we said it ourselves, we were very pleased with our days work. A bit more tidying up to coffee time , then started on foundations which we managed to finish. 

Graham D.

No. Wallers: 2

A Walk to site

 A slightly drizzly day for Catriona, Rod and me to do some topping out, then a bit of demolition of a new section and then a bit of building.  We left the cars at the farm house wary of getting stuck again. 

After topping the old section Catriona started a new course on the existing wall and Rod and I manhandled the gateposts into position as the new foundations. Rod mentioned using seaweed to get them moving but we settled on some old fence posts and bar which I think worked quite as well. We might get some more stone next week but we've got enough to be getting on with even if we don't.

 First Section topped out

New section nearly taken down

Two large gatepost in place

They don't look that impressive in the photos, but they were quite heavy

Richard H.
No. Waller: 3

Wednesday, 19 May 2021

Styling a Stile

Barry, Duncan and Graham set about taking down the  rest of the wall and next week should see the start of the rebuild.  Barry also  rebuilt the steps up to the stile;  much improved from the previous version.




Graham D.
No Waller: 3

Stuck in the Mud

 Catriona, Chris, Val and I enjoyed a surprisingly warm start to the day, and though our usual car parking spot was noticeable soggier than normal conditions at the wall were quite nice.  Having had a new dump of stone from Alister our morning was spent retrieving it from the 50% of the load that was excellent topsoil and turf. 

After break Catriona and Val set to work on the higher section of wall, and Chris and I put about 12 throughs on the lower section of wall, meaning we now only have about 20 left. Having  completed 5 courses between us Catriona declared the day finished and we set of for home at 2.30ish.

Catriona drove away and I was about to follow, the muddy field and a set of spinning tyres had other ideas. Chris and Val tired valiantly (N.P.I.)  to help me get out but we were just agonizingly short of the final push . A quick trip to the farm house yielded the help of James, another of Andrew and Sharon's  sons who provided the extra heft to get the tyre out of it's relatively modest hole. 

Thanks to all for getting me moving again.

Lunch time
End of the day

Richard H.
No. Wallers: 4

Wednesday, 12 May 2021


 Catriona and I turned up at 9.25 to find Tony working away clearing the site for the days work. We cleared a new section in the morning and started laying foundations later in the day. Progress was interrupted by Andrew's dog who came bounding along, without owner in tow, with a ball which he insisted on being thrown multiple times. Alistair, Andrews son came to retrieve the dog, and then again 10 minutes later as the dog had decided that it was a fun game to play. 


Break time

End of the day

Richard H.
No wallers: 3


No building today.  Graham spent the morning tidying up the site and moving stone along the wall while Barry started dismantling the next section , up to the stile.  Graham joined him in the afternoon and half the wall is now spread out on the grass.  This relatively small section is remarkable in terms of the numbers of throughs and the amount of good quality facing stone.  Photos show the wall at the start of the day but I  forgot to take some at the end - please see next week's blog!.  Contents of the wall included a very old corroded U2 battery.  A lovely dry day despite some very dark looking clouds.



Graham D.
No. Wallers: 2

Wednesday, 5 May 2021

Little lambs eat ivy

Catriona, Rod and I enjoyed the spectacle of a bit of sheep wrangling prior to our walling stint. Ably carried out by Andrews son, who had also very kindly brought us a trailer load of stone. Our morning was spent sorting the stone, which was again of the rather chunky variety. 

We took a few off the very small stone used in extremis last week and rebuilt to two courses shy of the top. We might eke out 1 more course with what we have but more stone will be needed to get us to the top.

Some of the safely corralled lambs came to visit us as we left, having escaped their new pastures for old. Our decision to finish early at 2.30 seemed justified  as the hail started in earnest just a few minutes journey down the road.


Extra Photos Courtesy of Rod

Richard H.
No. Wallers: 3

An important guest!

Successful day in mostly fine weather apart from the odd short hail flurry.
Finished the section apart from toppers. Look at the way that Barry is daintily adding the final fill to a superb facing wall!

Liz came to make sure that we were OK.


Graham D.
No. Wallers: 2