Friday, 24 December 2021

A Happy Christmas to you all


It's been another eventful year, but despite the grip of Covid the group has managed an impressive amount of Wednesdays out in the field. Given that we didn't start till April, 30 odd weeks is a pretty decent return.

The delayed start of the year was a bit strange, with us keeping two sites going at once, but at least we weren't slowly sinking into the mud of Fogfield this year, though I did managed to get the car stuck in the mud at Brookside. Thankfully there's the stile at Fogfield to finish off so we can sink into the mud together next year.

I'm sure we were all greatly saddened by the news that our long time host at Markenfield, Ian Curteis had died. It was always a pleasure to have his intermittent visits to the Park Pale. His fulsome and heartfelt praise of our work helped to make the effort seem worthwhile. 

This year has also brought a veritable rush of new wallers to the group, I'm sorry that I haven't been around to meet them, but by the looks of what I've been posting on the blog it's been a great addition to the group, and thanks to you we've finally finished at Fellbeck (almost).

So I hope you all have a Great Christmas and a Splendid New Year.




Thanks to all the usual crew for your messages of support and concern. It's much appreciated. I hope to join you later on in the New Year (I'm not sure when yet, but I'll try to keep you posted)

Wednesday, 15 December 2021

Finished (Nearly)

Six of us at Brookside farm this week; Andy, Rob, Duncan, Roderick, Barry and Graham.  Andrew had kindly delivered another trailer of stone and provided Andy, Rob, Duncan and Graham with just enough to add a final course and toppers, thus completing some 60 yards of wall started in September 2018. An impressive bit of walling, particularly when you look back at the blog and see how the wall looked originally. We loaded the leftovers onto the trailer, a remarkably small amount considering the length of wall completed.
Barry and Roderick went to the other side of the field and professionally repaired a glaring gap which had been staring at us all year.
Add to all that a fine but breezy day; what more could you ask for.
Duncan and Roderick will return in the New Year to repair another gap but otherwise that's good bye to Brookside farm for the time being. 

The whole of the completed wall

How it used to look

A new load of stone

The final section topped out

Barry and Rod start and finish a gap in the adjoining field

Graham D.

No. Wallers: 6

Wednesday, 1 December 2021

Stollen moments

 A very mixed weather day for Barry, Rob, Andy, Duncan and Graham. Work started early with Barry unloading yet another delivery of stone, courtesy of Andrew who also  has to be thanked for his seasonal gift. Whilst muddy underfoot, reasonable progress was made until mid morning when rain forced everyone into the barn. After twenty minutes we returned to the wall and slightly wetter mud.  By lunchtime it had become quite cold but we carried on and by 2 o'clock another two courses had been completed. Having nearly run out of suitable walling stone, we decided to put on some toppers. All very satisfying, helped by the sun coming out, the wind dropping and  feeling much warmer than a couple of hours earlier. Hardly any  stone left but may be OK to complete next week with  some judicious shaping required. Thanks also to Barry for his stollen handouts.

Graham D.

No. Wallers: 5

Wednesday, 24 November 2021

No distinguishing features.

 Five of us out this week and a chilly but fine day; Barry, Roderick, Andy, Graham and a new recruit Mick.  Mick teamed up with Graham on one side of the wall with Andy and Roderick on the other side and yet again another two courses completed.  Barry spent most of the day tidying up and rebuilding the final section which marries into the remaining section of wall. All the  extra stone which Andrew had delivered was used up and another load has been promised.

Graham D.

No. Wallers: 5

Wednesday, 17 November 2021

Grey Skys

 Another good team of half a dozen; Andy, Catriona, Roderick, Barry, Duncan and Graham on a fine but chilly day but with rain threatening  Another two courses completed on the lower section and the same on the higher section which is now ready for toppers..

Photos, for those with good eyesight, include one of the full length of rebuilt wall, since work began in summer 2018.

Graham D 
No. Wallers: 6

Wednesday, 10 November 2021

Nearly there

 A warm welcome to newcomer Rob this week, giving us a try having done a day’s taster at Harlow Carr some time ago.

Andy on his third week, Tony, Roderick, Duncan, Catriona & Barry made up a strong contingent of wallers. Tony continued to strengthen the existing wall to which a join will be made; Duncan, Roderick & Andy completed the foundations and added some courses of hefty stones, while Rob, Catriona & Barry worked at waist height to bring the levels up on their stint.

Exceptionally mild & dry weather assisted the productivity and the passage of vehicles back along the track at the end of the day.

Barry S.
No. wallers: 7

Wednesday, 3 November 2021

Harris Hawk

A brilliant autumn morning set an optimistic feel to the day’s work and the arrival of six wallers promised better progress on the Fellbeck field wall. Roderick fashioned the toppers on last week’s stint, while Val, Chris & Andy added courses to the foundation stones already set. Duncan & Barry dismantled the final section of wall to the stone gatepost and began the foundations there, joined by Roderick whose productivity with large stones is a joy to witness. Duncan made good the existing wall for linking to the new build, and Chris gave his customary co-operative support to all. An unexpected cold northerly wind-blown drizzle persuaded us to finish at 3pm, and after reinstating wire fencing various, we drove cautiously back on the slippery track, much satisfied with a productive walling day.

The first walker we have seen on this footpath gave pause in our toil as he arrived at the gate: clad in camouflage green and a Harris Hawk perched on his gloved hand, he seemed pleased to engage in conversation and to tell us about his hobby (ha ha!), the handsome bird radiating an intense power. An unusual interlude in our walling day.

Barry S.
No. Wallers: 6

Wednesday, 27 October 2021

New recruit

Barry and Graham welcomed a new recruit, Andy, who was quick to pick up the walling idea.

Another stretch of wall was cleared and Barry and Andy set about laying the first course of foundations and the wall in progress was completed awaiting toppers - a job for another week.

Graham D.

No. wallers: 3

Wednesday, 20 October 2021

Lunch time retreat.

A productive morning at Brookside with the return of Duncan from sailing in warm seas, Chris and Val, Graham & Barry. The larger team allowed a start on the next stint of wall which was duly dismantled. Graham & Duncan then shifted a lot of unused stone closer to the working section and resumed a course on that, while Val, Chris & Barry worked on the new foundations. The rain started soon after a coffee break and the ground conditions by lunchtime were hazardous, so we retreated soggily to the cars, but pleased to complete the foundations and the best part of another course on the wall.

Barry S.
No. Waller: 4

Wednesday, 13 October 2021

Autumnal cool.

 Autumn is on its way, but a fine but cool and breezy day.

Five of us this week.  Tony and Roderick relaid the last section of toppers and topped out the section completed last week.  Catriona, Barry and Graham completed another two courses on the section in progress. Thanks to Andrew who had brought some more stone although it  dwindled fairly quickly.

Graham D.
No. Waller: 5

Wednesday, 29 September 2021

Winter on the way

 A fine pleasant breezy day, but cooler than previous weeks - winter is on its way. Just Barry and Graham and nearly another two courses completed.

Graham D.

No. Wallers: 2

Wednesday, 15 September 2021


 Some pictures of walling activities on 15th provided by Tony. Walling were Rich (morning only), Tony, Barry, Graham and Rod

No. Wallers: 5

Wednesday, 8 September 2021

New section started

Barry, Catriona, Roderick, Tony, Duncan, Chris, Val and Graham , eight wallers, in all, spent a very warm day at Fellbeck making good progress.Given the numbers, Tony and Graham took down another section and started the foundations, including the placing of some very large stones. One in particular, required Barry, Roderick and Graham to successfully realign it although the mattock came to a sticky end in the process. The rest of the group tackled the existing section and added another three courses.  Andrew came to visit and  see how the stone situation was progressing. 

Graham D.
Photos by Graham And Tony
No. Wallers: 8

Wednesday, 1 September 2021

All the crew at Fellbeck

 A reunited group tried a stint at Fellbeck this week. Andrew, the farmer, brought us a trailer load of stone to play with, and the sky's above were blue. A much better state of affairs than we have been used to of late.

Barry, Roderick, Val, Catriona, Duncan, and Chris spent the afternoon laying two courses of a new section, after I'd helped to take down the old wall that morning, and retired before lunch; slacker.

I'm not sure of the verdict on the new stone yet. We'll have to wait and see.

Photos by Roderick

Richard H.

No. wallers: 7