Wednesday, 26 February 2020

Retreat to Markenfield

Spot the hare competition. 

A nice sunny day for a return to Markenfield for Graham, Barry, Duncan and me. Weather, and more importantly ground conditions, have meant a retreat from Fogfield for a while. So it was back to Markenfield and a nice bit of solid ground (if you don't count the walk across the field.)
Graham spotted a couple of hare (s?) on the horizon, though you may have worked out by now they aren't in the photo above.
Getting back to cobble was interesting. Barry manhandled a monster into position ready to support the new section of wall leading up to the stile.

Graham did sterling work digging out the overgrown stone. I think it's important to point out that I'm not suggesting the stone has got larger, but that the plant life has grown and covered it over.

I believe we used cobble almost exclusively this week, saving the limestone for the front of the wall.

Here's some pictures, which don't really show the amount of work that got done.


At lunch and at the end of the day

End of the day

Richard H.
No. wallers: 4

Wednesday, 5 February 2020

Full House

Leaving cars on the road ‘cos of myriad vehicles at Fogfield we (Roderick, Duncan, Catriona & Barry) trouped down to site in the bright sunshine, carefully picking our way round the ankle-deep mud adjacent to the wall. The blackthorn tree that moved in the wind last week had succumbed to stronger drafts at the weekend, easing access to the wall but necessitating the extrication of laid-out stones under its now horizontal position.
The impediments of trees and mud slowed our productivity but another course and a half were laid on the wall before our departure at 2.45 after a pleasant day of sunshine and birdsong.

  Blackthorn Down!

End of the day

End of the day

End of the day

End of the day

Barry S.
No. Wallers: 4