sunny day but ground stll deceptively muddy despite dry days
previously. Today it was just Barry, Roderick and Graham. The morning
was spent clearing and getting ready to install the second drainage pipe
and having a long discussion about the final height of the wall .
Barry arrived around 10am after a call for assistance elsewhere earlier: Rod
& Graham had decided to dismantle the next few feet of wall to
avoid having to start the foundations in the wettest area, but my
arrival prompted some technical work on lines and levels. We satisfied
ourselves on where we thought the wall should go and the height to aim
for, and then Rod & I began to sink some large foundation stones
into the soft mud while Graham continued the dismantling task and
preparation of the ground at the north east end.
Clive extended his dog walk to bring us the remaining piece of piping for our second drainage arrangement.
Barry and Roderick spent a very productive afternoon in the mud,
bridging the drainage pipe and significantly extending the foundations.
whilst Graham finished clearing the next section and started on a second course
The relatively calm and bright day, drier ground conditions and
enthusiasm to be back walling after the Yuletide break contributed to a
sense of better progress. We still got muddy though
After lunch about to put in the pipe
Roderick bridging the pipe
Roderick sinking in mud and the Next section ready for foundations
Some decent foundations ready for next week
Barry S and Graham D.
Photos by Graham D.
No wallers: 3