Wednesday, 27 November 2019

Putting people off.

Trying hard to keep a weather eye on the forecast backfired this week as it changed almost by the minute. A party of five was reduced to three by a late Tuesday night by me e-mail warning of the biblical style floods. (Sorry to put you off Rod and Barry)
Duncan, Graham and I decided to give it a go anyway and by the morning the forecast had changed again. What resulted was a very foggy but dry morning in which we put a single course and a course of throughs on before departing just shy of 12 o'clock when the promised rain began to make its presence felt. 
I'll keep my trap shut next week! (maybe)

Graham and Duncan stuck in the mud

Front and back with one extra course

Front and back with second lift of through stones.

Richard H.
No. Wallers: 3

Wednesday, 20 November 2019

Throughs and upward

Just three of us today. Duncan, Barry and I put another couple of throughs on the wall before putting another couple of courses on it for good measure, filled the whole lot with bits of smaller stone and hoped it at 2.30 after churning up a good amount of muck.

Start of the day

Filling in between the through stones.

All filled up

A second course all filled up

Richard H.
No. Wallers: 3

Wednesday, 13 November 2019

A Cheek

A bit parky for the four of us walling this week. Graham, Catriona and Duncan got the short section up to topper height whilst I took the less muddy option of repairing the cheekend and transporting stone to the muddier areas of site.
I forgot to take photos so Duncan kindly sent me his.

 Many fossils


Richard H.
No. Wallers: 4.

Wednesday, 6 November 2019


A reasonable if grey day saw 5 of us squelching around Fogfield. Duncan and Catriona continued the first section whilst Barry and Rod put another course on the longer stint. I was  destructive mood and set about dismantling the remaining standing section. Just before leaving Rod and I put some throughs into place. Barry Departed early but the rest of us were not far behind as the promised rain arrived earlier than anticipated.

Break time progress

At the (premature) end of the day

Longer section at the end of the day

 A bit of destruction

Richard H.
No. Wallers: 5.