Wednesday, 25 September 2019


A late start for Duncan, Justin and me due to the UCI world championships and resulting road closures.  Barry was a bit later still having spent the morning trying to finish another Quaker wall at Scotton. The day was dry but the ground was pretty treacherous from the previous days rain.
Duncan, Barry and Justin finished off the 1st section and put toppers on it whilst I slithered around lower down the wall. We now have a mini check end and a few meters to finish off.
The late start meant an new concept - afternoon tea! with tea and very nice ginger biscuits sustaining us till quarter to five, in time for the roads reopening after the cyclists has wizzed through.

Prior to lunch

After Lunch

Afternoon tea!

Flat Topper on!

Front of the wall at the end of the day

Richard H.
No. Wallers: 4

Wednesday, 18 September 2019

End in sight?

A lovely bright day for Catriona, Barry, Rod, Graham, Duncan and myself to crack on with Justin's wall. The steepness of the current section was eased by a dry spell so the ground was a bit less slippery than usual, but it still proved a bit awkward to manoeuvre the stone in such cramped conditions.Graham and I worked on the newest section, whilst Barry Rod Duncan and Catriona brought the older section to 1 or 2 courses from topper height.

A mornings work

End of the day

Richard H.
No. Wallers: 6

Wednesday, 11 September 2019


The day started pretty unpromisingly, the journey to site peppered some proper downpours, but apart from a soggy first hour the rain stayed away. The sun came out accompanied by a fine gusty wind which late in the day blew our tea and biscuit tray clean orf the wall. 
Conditions underfoot were still less than ideal as Catriona, Duncan, Rod and Graham slithered in the mud and did a valiant job of clearing and partly rebuilding the last section of wall. Justin, meanwhile, cleared the tumbled section of wall that had fallen down to the pathway, then helped me put flat toppers on the completed section of wall.
We left in dribs and drabs and had all left by 4 o'clock.

The photo's are of the end of the day, unfortunately  my phone had a giddy half hour; when it thought it was 3 AM some time last century, and failed to save the photos I'd taken in the morning; presumably because smart phones didn't exist back then and the photos were therefore an anachronism.

Richard H.
No. Wallers: 6

Wednesday, 4 September 2019

Back to Hillend

Another good turnout today with 5 of us going back to Hillend. The weather forecast promised a fine rain free day, so of course it belted it down, (in fit's and starts).
Barry sorted out a few problems left over from our last stint whilst Catriona and I brought the rest of the wall up to topper height. Graham and Duncan did the selfless work of tidying up the remaining stone and starting to take down the next section.
We retired to Justin's workshop when the rain became really heavy and called it a day at 2 ish when the combination of wetness and a steep bank threatened our unblemished accident record.

 Front of wall at the end of the day

Back of wall at the end of the day

The fruit of Duncan and Graham's dismantling efforts

Richard H.
No. Wallers: 5