Wednesday, 27 February 2019

Heavy Heavy

Catriona, Graham Barry and I spent a lovely bright and sunny day lugging great big boulders all over the place. I for one had to strip of my outer layers of clothing which did little to stop me perspiring. Having only brought my winter rations of water I was flagging towards the end of the day but Barry very kindly furnished me with a spare bottle he had brought. I'm glad people feel able to help out the frailer members of the group in sure ways.
Barry and I worked on one section whilst Catriona and Graham put an extra course on the existing wall.
Wildlife was limited to a single hare, and the usual birds.





Richard H.
No. wallers: 4.

Wednesday, 20 February 2019

New Style Toppers?

Graham , Catriona & Barry set themselves the target of finishing the stint today. In milder conditions and with buzzards in the air and hares (real ones) on the field, the two courses were laid and toppers put in place. The transition to sandstone boulders on top of the wall gave a new look - perhaps more rugged and resilient: heavier work but a satisfying finish to the day. Departing at 3pm avoided the worst of some unexpected precipitation.

Barry S.
No. Wallers: 3

Wednesday, 13 February 2019

No Buzzards

No buzzard to welcome us today and just the 4 of us this week. Catriona and Graham working on the front of the wall whilst Barry took the beck side.  I continued tidying and fettling further up the wall.
Only 3 walkers today despite the weather being rather nice, not like the hoards out last week in the freezing cold.



End of the day

Richard H.
No. Wallers: 4

Wednesday, 6 February 2019

6 go walling

6 wallers squelched across the fields of Marken to continue working on the park pale. The work of Barry, Graham, Catriona, Val and Chris was only interrupted by lunch and a hoard of walkers trying to reach Markington in as unmuddied a state as possible.
Catriona and Garham managed to finish and top out their section, whilst Barry and Val and Chris out a few fine courses on the longer stint.  The day was ended after 3 large through stone were grunted and cursed into place.

At lunch time

End of the day

End of the day

Richard H.
No wallers: 6