Wednesday, 23 January 2019

Hare here Hare

A lovely bright clear, freezing day for Catriona, Graham, Rod and I to do a bit of walling. Wildlife was in evidence again. The Buzzards of Markenfield were spotted near the barn. Graham nearly managed to get a photo of one of them, and I managed to get a pretty poor shot through the car window, but upon opening the car door to get a better shot, the bird took flight.
A large hare was also to be seen jumping over the wall as we sat shivering for lunch.
Graham, Catriona and Rod concentrated on building the new section of wall, whilst I continued to cleared the collapsed section.

Richard H.
No. Wallers: 4

Tuesday, 22 January 2019

Here Hare Here?

A lovely bracing day saw Barry, Graham, Roderick doing a bit more walling, whilst I got on with clearing the next section ready for us to put some more stones down. We saw our first wildlife of the season - some massive hares which upon further inspection turned out to be a couple of deer

Richard H.
First Photo by Barry
No. Wallers: 4

Wednesday, 9 January 2019

A New Year

A cold but bright start to the day with a keen northerly airstream keeping visibility good and noses running.
The resident buzzard on the approach lane lifted off the hedge displaying very pale plumage in the low morning light, giving the appearance of being in moult.
Catriona opted to match the remnant wall with the new build, while Graham, Roderick & Barry continued the clearance of the next stint. Taking a line on the field side gave the measure for the footings and first courses of large cobbles, commendably good stone easing progress. Exertion with the heavy sandstone helped maintain a comfortable body temperature against the chilling gusts of unimpeded wind. Graham joined Catriona after lunch to successfully tie in the remnant wall, and sturdy foundations should allow a productive start next time.

Barry S
No. Waller : 4