Wednesday, 25 July 2018

Hammer and Cycle

Another glorious day for a cycle ride interrupted by a few hours of walling. Graham and I braved the heat for a good long while but we didn't manage to do the usual 5 hours, calling it a day when our brains were lightly coddled.
A couple of courses were added to the sterling work done by Tony last week, the fences were re-erected and we toddled on our merry way.

Richard H.
No. of Waller: 2

Wednesday, 18 July 2018

Two Cyclists

Graham, Tony and I met up at the wall to do some walling, 2 of us having arrived by bike. A walling group record I think, where the bikes outnumber the cars. It was pretty warm but not hot enough to really slow progress.
The smaller corner of the wall is nearly complete, barring toppers, and Tony put in a great stint clearing the ground for the wall returning up the hill.

I managed to rebuild the small drainage wall - although it may still require some work, so a pretty good day all told.

How Hill near Fountains - on my journey to Ivin

Graham's morning work and Tony's foundation clearing

Mid morning and after lunch on south side of the wall

North side and drainage wall

Wall return up the hill and nearly finished south side

North side and corner of wall

Tony standing above his days work

Richard H
No Wallers: 3.

Wednesday, 11 July 2018

A very dry day

Rod, Graham & Barry met at Coldstones on a perfect summer morning and marvelled at the dry conditions en route to the wall. Building up the wall corner to maintain a horizontal level required a generous depth of stone: gathering and trimming the chosen material involved some teamwork, fortitude, and perspiration, and conversation gave way to grunts and groans. We blessed the dry ground and preserved just enough energy to trudge back up the hill in the increasingly warm afternoon sunshine, having made some useful progress on the construction.

Words: Barry
Picture: Graham 
No Wallers: 3.