Saturday, 29 August 2015

Above Thrope Plantation - Wednesday 25 August 2015

What started out as a wet morning turned into a dry and sunny day albeit with a brisk breeze, for our walk to site. Today's team was Barry, Graham, Paul, Richard P, Roderick and Tony.

A great workplace view
The extended gap 2 begins to rise up from the the foundations

A suitable windbreak to have lunch behind

Just as we were about to wind down for the day we were visited by David Coates with a welcome supply of his home produced ice cream
Packing up time

Sunday, 23 August 2015

Above Thrope Plantation - Wednesday 19th August 2015

Due to attending the opening ceremony at Jennyruth Workshops the team of  six (Catriona, Barry, Graham, Richard P, Roderick & Tony) made a late start at 11.00am.

Graham & Barry continue on gap 2 and Roderick, Richard & Catriona raise up gap1

Tony clears out more of the collapsed wall to extend the length of gap 2
Nearly finished on gap1
 Gap 2 at close of play
Richard inspects the finished gap 1


Return to Jennyruth Workshops - Wednesday 19th August 2015

Today the walling group members attended the official opening of the completed outdoor space at the Jennyruth Workshops. 


The space has made a massive difference to the workers and staff. Not only has it become the a great place to chill out but it has encouraged participation in outdoor games.

The area is defined by the wall built by the NAWG, which was completed in Dec 2013 
NAWG members involved in building the wall


Friday, 14 August 2015

Above Thrope Plantation - Wednesday 12th August 2015

Warm sunshine, gentle breeze, superlative views down into the upper dale, good stone to work with: the Glorious Twelfth lived up to its name on the Nidderdale Moors this week. 

Catriona, Roger, Richard P, Graham & Barry enjoyed a fine walling session above Lofthouse with the added treat of a lunchtime ice cream delivered by David the farmer.
Catriona and Roger resumed the work on gap 1, while Graham, Richard & Barry dug out gap 2. The gaps had been there for decades so there was a lot of excavation work to recover the fallen stone.

The work was cut short after lunch by the shoot foreman requesting that we move away from the afternoon's drive of grouse on the adjacent moor, just in case stray pellets should come in our direction. The 2.15pm departure saw good progress on gap 1, and foundations set in gap 2, with some pleasure at the early finish as a relief from the heat, and well before the shooting commenced.

The long walk to the site
Graham & Richard make a start on gap 2
Roger & Catriona resume work on gap1

Gap 2 with new foundations in place
Gap 1 at close of play
View of Gouthwaite on alternative route back to the cars to avoid the shooters


Friday, 7 August 2015

Above Thrope Plantation - Wednesday 5th August 2015

Having now completed the wall at Longside, we now have a new task above Thrope Plantation, near Lofthouse.  The attraction on this task is that the farmer, David Coats has promised to let us sample some of his ice cream, which hopefully will compensate us for the 20 minutes walk from the roadside to the walling site.  Today's team was Richard H and Tony.
Yellow Finger Marks Wall Location

Enter through this gate and follow the bridleway until you reach a gate on the left
Go through this gate and follow the path until you reach the walling site
The task ahead

The first gap to be tackled
Richard wonders how much of the wall we should take down before we start the foundations
At foundation level
The position at lunchtime
and time to admire the view looking up the dale
Richard places the last stone for the day

Ready for next week's team
I should add that because David Coats was away for the day, we missed out on the ice creams.
