Sunday, 29 March 2015

Bewerley Park Outdoor Centre - Wednesday 25 March 2015

Today’s team consisted of Barry, Graham, Richard, Roger and Tony. 

Having completed a final sort of the different stone sizes, it is apparent that we may not have sufficient stone left to complete the wall. Richard had previously made contact with Hansons at the Coldstones Quarry to enquire about the possibility of obtaining additional stone. So Richard and Tony went off to the quarry to meet Shirley (Hanson’s Site Manager) and were taken to a pile of stones.

Richard examines a potential supply of stone

The good news is that the stone will be donated free, providing we can arrange for it to be collected. Next Tuesday, Barry and Tony will be back at the quarry to select approximately 2 -3 tons of suitable sized stone.

In the meantime, Barry, Graham and Roger continue with the good work 

Back from the quarry, Tony gets to work on the bridge end of the wall 

Richard gathers up the remaining loose stone 

Barry tackles a tricky stone shaping task
Nearly time to finish for the day
At close of play


Wednesday, 18 March 2015

Bewerley Park Outdoor Centre

There were just two wallers at Bewerley for the morning stint. Catriona and I (Richard) attempted to raise the wall to the same hight along it's whole length. Thankfully we were joined by Graham in the afternoon, who helped us achieve our aim. We spent a final half hour transporting the stone from the other side of the bridge a little nearer it's target destination.

Grid Ref: SE 16150 64713
Extra Photos: Here

Wednesday, 11 March 2015

Bewerley Park Outdoor Centre

Our wanderer returns; Graham is back from New Zealand and full of tales of Glaciers, Volcanoes and Mountains, well he had to be contented with a pile of stones this week. 

We arrived at the wall only to find that a mole had been attacking it, so some remedial work was needed to sort a slip in one of the foundation stones, which Barry almost finished by the time the rain came and everyone ran to the barn

Everyone except for Roger who continued to work on the bridge end despite the rain.

So we only managed a half day today, with Catriona and Graham adding a new course to the barn side check end and all five wallers departing soon after lunch at 1 o'clock.

Grid Ref: SE 16150 64713
Extra Photos: Here

Thursday, 5 March 2015

Bewerley Park Outdoor Centre - Wednesday 4 March 2015

Back at the “commemorative” wall on a bright and sunny day with a team of eight (Barry, Catriona, Chris, Paul, Richard, Roderick, Roger and Tony). 

Still a few more stones to finish off course two

At the opposite end a start on course three begins

Coffee break is taken in style and comfort – no need to hide behind a wall out of the wind 

Time to install the batter frame 

At the bridge end a re-adjustment of some of the foundation stones was needed – so course three will have to wait until next week

At close of play  


This is the plaque that will eventually be fitted into the wall