Wednesday, 30 April 2014

Wilson's Plantation, Birtswith - Wednesday 30 April 2014

The socking great stone from last week was unsurprisingly still there and firmly in place for the next hundred years or so.  From the foundations created last week, good progress was made by the band of eight.  

 Catriona surveys last week’s work

A shortage of proper metal poles provided certain wallers with the opportunity to show off their forestry skills 

 Paul can be seen studying the resulting A frame

Chris exasperated by progress


Wednesday, 23 April 2014

Wilson's Plantation, Birtswith - Wednesday 23 April 2014

A new project this week, rebuilding a roadside wall at the bottom of a 50-acre plantation belonging to Sean Kelly, a Firm Friend of Nidderdale AONB.  Sean was there to greet our arrival and showed us the way down to site.  The morning passed in stone recovery and stripping out over a 15 metre length but, as time passed, more and more bodies seemed to be focussed on one small area.  The reason?  One socking great stone gate post weighing, oh, half ton or more which refused to co-operate in its relocation.  Eventually our resident engineer, Roger (have you thought of doing it this way?) pulled off an interesting rope trick and the post sat firm and upright more or less where we wanted it.

Five smug wallers ready for lunch

Some fairly desultory rebuilding after lunch which became even more desultory after our host had turned up with beer, wine and real glasses (!) to restore our flagging energy.  Energy restored but focus somewhat wobbly we returned to the wall and got on with the first raise which kept us all occupied until home time.

Next week - interesting engineering in the wall corner where the ground is not too firm, where tree roots need to be bridged and where a small lunky will be needed to allow a small stream to exit the woods. 


Wednesday, 16 April 2014

The Bivouac at Druids Temple - Wednesday 16 April 2014

A select band of four turned up for our final session as invisible walling fairies at the home of Yorkshire glamping.  The site was busy but no-one seemed to notice us so, stealthily, we completed the wall-end started last week, tidied up like good fairies do, and disappeared as silently as we had come.  Nobody knew they were there!  A good job well done.


Wednesday, 2 April 2014

The Bivouac – 2 April 2014

Back at a very misty Bivouac site. The team this week was Chris, Roderick, Roger and Tony.

Today’s task was to rebuild a collapsing curved wall end.

Down to ground level and the first foundation stone is laid.

The mist starts to clear and we can see we have company

Roger fails to hear the call for lunch

Roderick admires his handiwork from a distance.

Chris calls time and collects the hammers.
