Wednesday, 16 January 2013

A Happy New Year To All (Both) Our Readers

Brrrrr!!  Yeah, yeah, I know ... no blog in December but then, given the wide readership it attracts (not), who was going to miss it?  Still, duty calls and I promised to record activity so activity I shall record.

I think there was only one particularly wet Wednesday when we all agreed that nuff was nuff and stayed at home or at least found other drier things to occupy our time.  For the rest, the group has been plugging away at Hackfall Woods with good solid progress made in the direction of the river. 

Progress uphill has been halted by an inconsiderate birch which threw itself on the wall in a mad final bid to become a Woodland Trust tree rather than Swinton Estate firewood.  Thankfully, it fell on a bit of wall which neither we nor the Hackfall Volunteers had yet tackled.

(PS Photos - courtesy of Richard P - to follow when I've worked out why the blog system has changed since November and how to upload stuff from my steamdriven laptop).

Word on the street is that the Woodland Trust has finally agreed to the necessary funding and work on the funicular railway/chairlift from the car park to the river bank is expected to start ... not a moment too soon.  Creaking bodies can manage a few hours walling (with suitable breaks for refreshment) but the slog uphill to the car park afterwards is enough to leave stronger and younger folk weak at the knees.

The main partipants (masochists) of late have been the Richards, Graham, Paul and Roger with occasional visits from other members (apologies if I have forgotten anyone).  Phillip and Catriona are on 'temporary secondment) to the Bramhope Scout HQ project where I understand they are overwintering while Pete and Anita ply them with coffee and a warm hut in which to shelter.  Softies!

Next week?  Subject to snowfall and frost levels (we spent rather a lot of time today chipping stone out of the permafrost) it'll be Hackfall again..