Friday, 13 July 2012

Twice more up the hill

We've been up and down the hill to Sparrow Hawk Farm twice since I last blogged and haven't drowned on either occasion although waterproofs did tend to be on and off like a Tom Cruise marriage.

Last week (4th July) we allowed ourselves a little diversion and made repairs to the culvert that runs alongside the wall.  Richard and Roger couldn't resist jumping into the hole for a rummage around. 

The rest of us had the good sense to stay on comparatively dry land.  Thereafter we made further progress on the wall and made a start on the copes. 

until by the end of July 11th we had finished the wally bit and were more than two thirds of the way round with copes thanks to a sterling effort from Paul and Richard the Younger. 

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Richard does his best to cope!
One more week of coping and tidying should see us home and .... probably still damp.

Acknowledgements to Richard the Elder for the photos

PS for David's records we had seven wallers on each of the two days